Every year, thousands of people all over the world make the usual New Year’s resolution to get fit, and every year, the majority of those fail.
This year, ditch the new year’s resolutions and start becoming more active right now! Not only will you avoid the usual Christmas weight gain, but you’ll be ahead of yourself mentally and physically by the time January 1st rolls in.
Plus, you will look and feel fantastic over the holiday season, have increased energy levels, a better metabolism and more serotonin flowing around your body – which is the uplifting chemical released after exercise, and a known stress-buster and mood-enhancer. And if you are in a good routine now, it will be easier to maintain exercising over the holiday period.
So ditch the car and walk wherever you can, or park a few streets away and walk the extra distance. Join a yoga or Pilates class, find a dance class, go swimming or find time for a sport you enjoy.
Every little counts – whether it is a ten minute walk or a twenty minute dance class, so find the time to get more active now. Just think, you’ll gain less weight over Christmas, and will be ahead of the game by New Year. 🙂
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