Sugar has been blamed for a worldwide obesity epidemic. Weight gain is caused by eating more energy (or kilojoules) than is used up in physical activity. So to achieve and maintain a healthy weight, the focus needs to be on eating fewer kilojoules (including watching portion sizes) and moving more. Studies have shown that a […]
Eating lunch at your desk again today? A recent survey has indicated that 3.8 million Australians do not take a lunch break! So take back your lunch time and step away from that desk! Eating out of the office is not only good for your diet, but your mental health and productivity too. Have […]
Simple life hacks for a healthier life Instead of: Try: Using lots of oil so your food doesn’t stick to the pan Investing in some non stick cookware. That way you don’t have to add any oil at all! Adding salt when cooking Using lots of herbs and spices to keep you sodium […]
It was once thought that eating cholesterol in foods (i.e. eggs) led to raised levels of cholesterol in your blood – or more particularly the ‘bad’ cholesterol that clogs your arteries and increases your risk of heart attacks. It is now known however, for most people, eating cholesterol actually has little effect on blood cholesterol. […]
Here’s a smart and simple salad snack idea I picked up recently: Take a tall glass jar and pour in a tablespoon of your favorite salad dressing (*see salad dressing ideas below). Wash, chop and add fresh salad ingredients like carrot, capsicum, tomato, cucumber, avocado, reduced fat feta or chicken. You may even want […]
The idea that foods which taste good are “bad for us” is entirely unfounded. It is possible to add plenty of flavour to your meals each day without having to sacrifice all the fat and sugar from your recipes. By following these great ideas, you’ll be able to serve the whole family nutritious and […]